
Community Artifact Summary /Draft


Option 3: Brochure

Slides to talk about my process

Slide 1: Introduction

  • title
  • author

Slide 2:

  • explain what the project is

Slide 3: What is a community artifact?

  • explain what it is
  • show examples: add some pictures

slide 4: NYJTL Website

  • community artifact I choose
  • talk about the website
  • add the link

Slide 5:

  • how I came to understand the community and audience

Slide 6 : Why I choose this as my artifact

Slide 7: Ways to show my community to others

Slide 8:

  • A picture of my brochure

Slide 9:

  • explaining my brochure

Slide 10 :

  • the purpose of the literacy artifact

Slide 11: Next Steps